Our first genre specific contest of the semester is a poetry contest. You are, simply, to write us an elegy.
The only requirement is that your poem must not exceed two pages. The first place winner will automatically be granted publication in the 2016 edition of Miscellany. The next two winners will be featured on our blog, along with a brief bio about the author, who will be gifted with some Miscellaneous swag.
Entries will be accepted from September 28th, 2015 – November 7th 2015.
If you need some help getting started, Poets.org offers up this “definition” of an elegy:
“The elements of a traditional elegy mirror three stages of loss. First, there is a lament, where the speaker expresses grief and sorrow, then praise and admiration of the idealized dead, and finally consolation and solace… Many modern elegies have been written not out of a sense of personal grief, but rather a broad feeling of loss and metaphysical sadness.”
Try to focus on the latter of these principle ideas. Make your elegy fresh in some way.
Please email all entries to miscellany@cofc.edu with “Elegy Contest Entry” as the subject of your email. You may submit up to two pieces. Please do not include your name on your entry. The body of your email should contain your name, school year, and what college you attend. You will be notified of your submission status after November 13th, 2015. Please do not email us with inquires until after this date.