Latest New Feature

New Styles We have added a few global styles to assist with formatting content within the CMS. alignleft The alignleft CSS class will align an object(most often used for images) to the left side of the main content area. The application of this class will also add the appropriate padding (or spacing) to allow the […]

Welcome to the new school year!

We have had a very productive summer and hope that the school year will be just as productive. Web Resources With the implementation of the new website design and features, we are  expanding the current Standards and Policies section ( of our website to assist you with information we have shared over the past summer, web tips, and […]

“How to..” Feature Sheet

As an update for the website refresh, most all(if not all) subdomains and pages of the main College website have been updated to the new template design. We have also applied the new main index page to each site enabling the use of the full width banner, news feed, events feed, as well as a […]

Latest Refresh News

We have received very few requests for updating the “Quick Links” or “Additional Resources” from individual web maintainers for their websites. This may be due to web maintainers being away from campus at this time. Therefore, to continue making progress on the overall refresh project, we have started the process of: Applying the new organization […]

Global Widget Update

Just wanted to give an update on the status of the refresh rollout. In regards to the global widget, we have discovered a few small issues with the implementation and have also developed a few new ideas to make it better. Therefore, in order to not confuse you with updated instructions now, and then also […]

Global Widget has entered the building!

Great News! The new global widget for the “Additional Resources”, “Quick Links” and “Social Media” links is now ready for rollout. Along with the ability to self manage the links, the global widget contains the option to upload up to three images which may be used as links. The images will appear between the page’s […]

Global Widget Update

The long awaited global widget should be available on Monday. At the time of its release, we will be able to move forward with the implementation of the new main index pages for departments, offices, divisions and academic programs. We will be contacting the lead web maintainers for each subdomain to obtain the needed information […]

Update of Faculty and Staff Listings

Due to a glitch in updating the templates, the faculty and staff listing pages will take longer than expected for updating to the new template. Below is a list faculty and staff pages have been corrected: Accounting African American Studies African Studies Art Art History Arts Management Asian Studies Classics Math English

Latest Update

As an update for the current main website refresh, we wanted to let you know of the most recent changes and news: The new faculty and staff template is currently being applied to the appropriate faculty and staff pages. New Main Index Page The rollout of the new main index page for departments, offices, academic […]

Current Status

Currently in progress Faculty and Staff Listing pages Academics/Majors and Minors pages Global widget for Social Media, Quick Links and Additional Resources Pages or sites to be addressed Board of Trustees Site index Site directory Search Results page News blog In the News blog