New Design Changes

The latest design changes have been rolled out to all sites hosted within the College’s content management system. We have also included with the rollout a change that includes the Avenir font per the College’s Style Guide. With the new font style changes, you may see some inconsistencies on some of the pages that you […]

Twitter Feed in Your Sidebar?

Melissa Whetzel, Senior Director Communications, shared the following article with regards to the cons of placing a Twitter Feed on your website. 7 Reasons Having a Twitter Feed in Your Sidebar is a Really Dumb Idea

Web Image Optimization

More information than you ever wanted to know about optimization of web graphics. Yes, parts of it are quite detailed, but there is some great info intertwined. Image Optimization from Google

Why You Should Never Center Align Paragraph Text

I ran across this article recently that gives a great explanation for the reasons to not use center alignment in main content areas. The article is three years old but the information is still applicable with regards to usability and user experience(UX). Why You Should Never Center Align Paragraph Text

Font Issue Update

We have made some adjustments to the website fonts and are currently waiting for the server cache to clear in order for the changes to be applied. We will continue to monitor the situation to resolve any lingering issues.

Font Issue

We discovered an issue on Friday with the current font being used on the COFC website and made several adjustments to try and correct the problem. However, the adjustments have not worked. We have determined a solution and will be applying this morning.

Latest New Styles

New Styles We have added a few additional global styles – thumbnail, intro paragraph and pull quote – to assist with formatting content within the CMS. See my earlier post on applying a class to an element. .imgborder The .imgborder CSS class will add padding and a  faint border around any image contained within the […]