Update of Undergraduate Academics Catalog Links

The MarComm Web Strategies team has updated the COFC Undergraduate Catalog  hyperlinks contained within the cofc.edu/academics section of the website. A spreadsheet with the old links and the new links has been forwarded by the RO to the campus community so that links within the individual offices, departments and programs may be updated by the responsible web maintainer. If a broken […]

Tip of the Month: Proper Use of Headers

A few tips with regards to the proper use of headers within webpages. In general: Use HTML headings for headings only. Don’t use headings to make text BIG or bold. Search engines use your headings to index the structure and content of your web pages. Users skim your pages by its headings. It is important […]

Tip of the Month: Unpublishing BEFORE deleting, renaming or moving.

Make sure you unpublish any content including images, files, pages, folders, etc. PRIOR to deleting, renaming or moving . If this action is not taken, it will create “orphaned” pages or images on the website. The reason for this is there are two servers – one server hosts the content management system(CMS), the other server hosts […]

Tip of the Month: Hyperlinking within the CMS

When hyperlinking to a webpage on the College of Charleston website, make sure to use the URL from the live site and not the URL from when managing a page within the content management system.   Also, when sharing or creating a hyperlink, it’s not necessary to include the index.php at the end of the URL. For […]

Tip of the Month: 5 Seconds to Capture

The 5 Second Rule You have just five seconds to capture your user’s attention when they enter your site. If you don’t answer the user’s questions or provide the information they are seeking right away, they will click “back” and exit your site. Users are interested in what you can do for them, not what you think about […]

The College Today News Feeds

We are in the process of making a few changes to simplify and enhance the experience on The College Today news site. One of the changes will be in the way feeds will work on the individual subdomains that may pull stories from the Today site. Previously, stories would be retrieved by a category, however, […]

SEO Best Practices for Structuring URLs

We are asked many times about the logic behind some of our guidelines on creating effective URLs. I ran across this article today that covers the topic in detail. However, please do not read the article and then decide “Oh, let’s rename all of my folders and filenames”. Unless done properly, the renaming of folder […]

Web Banner Update

We have recently made a change to the backend of the web banner gallery so that we are not maintaining the images in two different locations – one for the actual thumbnail gallery and one for the CMS. This step will save a huge amount of time with posting new images and maintaining the current […]

6 web design trends you may want to forget

While perusing my weekly onslaught of web and technology related articles, I stumbled across this infographic of web trends that have(or should have) fallen by the wayside. 6 web design trends you may want to forget