Author Archives: stinchfieldch

Update of Undergraduate Academics Catalog Links

catalogThe MarComm Web Strategies team has updated the COFC Undergraduate Catalog  hyperlinks contained within the section of the website. A spreadsheet with the old links and the new links has been forwarded by the RO to the campus community so that links within the individual offices, departments and programs may be updated by the responsible web maintainer.

If a broken or incorrect link is discovered within the section, please let us know the page with the broken link and the anchor text.


Tip of the Month: Proper Use of Headers

website-647013_1920A few tips with regards to the proper use of headers within webpages.

In general:

  • Use HTML headings for headings only. Don’t use headings to make text BIG or bold.
  • Search engines use your headings to index the structure and content of your web pages.
  • Users skim your pages by its headings. It is important to use headings to show the document structure.
  • h1 headings should be main headings, followed by h2 headings, then the less important h3, and so on.

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Other items to consider

  • those who use text readers to read your site will become confused if you do not use heading tags in descending order as they were intended.
  • All browsers support heading tags and each displays the headings in slightly different sizes.
  • A visitor may have changed the default fonts of their browser and chosen to over ride your stylesheet so the sizes and font may different than you intended.

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Use of Headings at the College of Charleston

Within the content management system at the College of Charleston, heading tags 1 and heading tags 2 are reserved and automatically used for page title and page subtitles.

Headings 3 – 6 should only be used within the main content area.

Tip of the Month: Unpublishing BEFORE deleting, renaming or moving.

binary-1071776_1920Make sure you unpublish any content including images, files, pages, folders, etc. PRIOR to deleting, renaming or moving . If this action is not taken, it will create “orphaned” pages or images on the website. The reason for this is there are two servers – one server hosts the content management system(CMS), the other server hosts the actual website. Changes are made to the “copy” contained within the content management system and THEN when published, the server copies the updated page to the web server. The only means for the user to remove a page from the webserver is to unpublish the page.

  1. Deleting page: If a page (or image, folder, or some other type of content) is not unpublished prior to deleting, the old page is “orphaned” on the web server, meaning that the page will be left on the web server and a copy will not remain in the CMS for you to edit.
  2. Renaming page: If you rename the page(or image, folder, or some other type of content) from within the CMS without unpublishing, the original page will be remain on the web server and when you rename the page within the CMS and publish it, it will then have the original page and the new renamed page on the web server. By having two pages, search engines will “crawl” both pages and place within the search engine database both pages with the content. If you update your second copy of the page, the first copy will not be updated, thus providing old content to search engines and frustrating the user as they are unsure as to which content is correct and most recent.

Hopefully, this explanation will clear any confusion on unpublishing, renaming and deleting content from the CMS. And as always, if you have any questions about the CMS or digital marketing, feel free to contact us.

Tip of the Month: Hyperlinking within the CMS

When hyperlinking to a webpage on the College of Charleston website, make sure to use the URL from the live site and not the URL from when managing a page within the content management system.




Also, when sharing or creating a hyperlink, it’s not necessary to include the index.php at the end of the URL. For example, the following URL,, may be displayed or used to create a hyperlink as

If sharing the URL within an email that only serves as the description for the hyperlink, may be used. However, if creating the actual link,  should be used. Below are two examples of properly formatted working examples: or American Studies contact page





Tip of the Month: 5 Seconds to Capture

clock-95330_640The 5 Second Rule

You have just five seconds to capture your user’s attention when they enter your site.

If you don’t answer the user’s questions or provide the information they are seeking right away, they will click “back” and exit your site.

Users are interested in what you can do for them, not what you think about yourself or your site.

TRANSLATION: The homepage of your site is not the best location for bios, mission or vision statements.

The College Today News Feeds

We are in the process of making a few changes to simplify and enhance the experience on The College Today news site.

One of the changes will be in the way feeds will work on the individual subdomains that may pull stories from the Today site. Previously, stories would be retrieved by a category, however, the feeds will now be retrieved based on tags.

If you have a feed on your site using a URL with the following format:

you will need to edit the code on the site to use the following format

We hope to have most, if not all of the schools URL changes completed by tomorrow(Mar 23) afternoon.

If you should have any questions, feel free to contact me.


SEO Best Practices for Structuring URLs

seoWe are asked many times about the logic behind some of our guidelines on creating effective URLs. I ran across this article today that covers the topic in detail. However, please do not read the article and then decide “Oh, let’s rename all of my folders and filenames”.

Unless done properly, the renaming of folder or filenames within the CMS, may cause “orphaned” folders or files, which means that a folder or filename would exist on the webserver, but would no longer be available within the CMS, causing a duplication of content with two folders or files – one with the old name and one with the new name. This can cause major issues with regards to search engine optimization, as well as broken links within the site.

Below are the proper steps for renaming a folder or filename successfully:

  1. Unpublish the folder or filename
  2. Rename the folder or filename
  3. Republish the folder or filename AND republish the main folder above the renamed folder or file name.

And now, on to the article: 15 SEO Best Practices for Structuring URLs

And as always, if you have any questions regarding the information above, feel free to contact me or the webmaster.

Web Banner Update

We have recently made a change to the backend of the web banner gallery so that we are not maintaining the images in two different locations – one for the actual thumbnail gallery and one for the CMS. This step will save a huge amount of time with posting new images and maintaining the current ones. The previous address is still valid, but redirects to the new gallery.

Let us know if you have any questions.