We’ve recently discovered a small setback with regards to the event locations and after working with the developers, have chosen to set up the event locations a little differently.
The issue is when a sub location is selected from a main location, such as a certain room from a certain building, the actual building is not included with the LOCATION field. Therefore, when displaying an event within a feed, such as the COFC homepage or an individual departments feed, the actual building is not included.
To workaround this issue, we’ll be removing the individual sub locations for each building and adding the sub location to the main building name. For example, instead of using sub locations for Addlestone Library, there will be four entries for Addlestone Library as follows:
- Addlestone Library: Center for Student Learning
- Addlestone Library: Room 227
- Addlestone Library: Rotunda
- Addlestone Library: Special Collections
We will begin to make the transition as time permits, and will also ensure that the previously entered events will have the correct location.