New Design Changes

By | November 5, 2014
College of Charleston Homepage 2014

College of Charleston Homepage 2014

The latest design changes have been rolled out to all sites hosted within the College’s content management system. We have also included with the rollout a change that includes the Avenir font per the College’s Style Guide.

With the new font style changes, you may see some inconsistencies on some of the pages that you manage. Below are a few tips to help resolve those inconsistencies:

  • All headers should not be bolded. Header font styles are set globally.
  • If text is bolded, it should use the <strong> html tag in place of the <b>.
    EXPLANATION: If the content is utilizing a <b> for bolding text, it is more than likely left over from an older version of the content. The current bold setting within the CMS uses the correct <strong> tag. For further reading on the difference between <b> vs. <strong>, <em> vs. <i>, etc, please review The strong and b elements. Another reason for using <strong> in place of <b> – <strong> and <em> can emphasize text with screen readers, thus providing a better website experience for the visually impaired visitor. The <b> and <i> do not provide text emphasis.

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