We have received very few requests for updating the “Quick Links” or “Additional Resources” from individual web maintainers for their websites. This may be due to web maintainers being away from campus at this time. Therefore, to continue making progress on the overall refresh project, we have started the process of:
- Applying the new organization template to the main index pages of the subdomains
- Entering News and/or Event feeds into the main index page
- Migrating the current Quick Links , Social Media links and/or Additional Resources links
The following sites have been completed:
- Advising
- Archaeology program
- Department of Studio Art
- Department of Art History
- Department of History
- Arts Management Program
- Asian Studies Program
- Attorney Assistance Program
- Office of the Internal Auditor
- Office of Business and Auxiliary Services
- Battery Project
- Department of Biology
- British Studies program
- Budgeting and Payroll
- Division of Business Affairs
- Cougar Activities Board
Also, we would strongly recommend not making coding changes to the html of the pages such as adding space, changing alignment of images or custom CSS other than the normal tools within the cms toolbar. There are a few small tweaks that will be made to address layout issues due to previous customization. It IS acceptable to create new pages, folders, or add and edit content.
If you should encounter pages that may not have been converted, have questions about content that may not be appearing properly on a page, please feel free to contact us.
Deleting Pages Reminder
We have had several instances where individual pages were not updated to the newest template. In many of those cases, a page or folder was not unpublished by the web maintainer PRIOR to deleting. When a page or folder is not unpublished prior to deleting, the web server maintains the page or folder while it is deleted from within the CMS. Please remember when deleting pages or folders, to unpublish the page or folder FIRST, then delete; OR, when deleting ensure that the “Un-publish Content” checkbox is selected when deleting.
Web Maintainers Group Meeting
Also, after the completion of the rollout, we are interested in meeting with web maintainers on a regular basis to help with questions that you may have on how to accomplish certain tasks within the CMS, how to use the newest features, optimizing web pages for search engines, etc. We are also looking forward to conducting several sessions on content maintenance such as how to write effective content, keeping content clear and concise, as well as other topics.
Stay tuned for more information to come on upcoming meetings.