Great News!
The new global widget for the “Additional Resources”, “Quick Links” and “Social Media” links is now ready for rollout. Along with the ability to self manage the links, the global widget contains the option to upload up to three images which may be used as links.
The images will appear between the page’s main content and the lower widget links and can be created by our department using the new College standard web banner style found on the photo gallery index page at Initially, we will need to set up the widget and create the links based on your input. We have a small change that needs to be made to the backend to make the widget slightly easier to use and hope to have that completed by the mid part of this week. At that time, we will distribute a new instruction sheet for the global widget on how to add or edit links, add graphics images, etc.
After we apply the new main index page for each subdomain, we will implement your news feed and calendar events feed (if currently being used). We will then migrate the links from the old templates right hand column links to the new global widget. IMPORTANT: If you would like to change the Quick Links currently displayed on your page, please send me an email with any changes to your Quick Links. Within the same email, you may also forward 5 to 7 additional links, if desired, that may be used within the Additional Resources column.
“Additional Resources” can be used for links outside of your subdomain but within the College of Charleston website OR may feature links outside the College of Charleston website such as external organizations that may be of further assistance to the reader. “Quick Links” should be used for pages that may be further down within your own subdomain.
The ability to overwrite the global widget links on a per page basis will be available very soon.
After the implementation of the new new main index page for your subdomain and the implementation of the new links widget, you may edit the new main index page to select the full width banner using the same instructions as with the tertiary pages by:
- Visiting
- Reviewing the available banners
- Make note of the banner of your choice
- Edit the main index page within your subdomain
- Select the category and image
- Submit and publish the page