AI, Music and Interaction Lab


The lab explores research in computer science and music, sonification, music information retrieval, 3D audio, artificial intelligence, interaction, and avant garde forms of music composition and performance, as well as music technology.

Research topics include:

  • sonification and interaction design
  • spatial audio and virtual/augmented reality
  • music performance and digital musical instruments
  • interfaces for musical expression, including sensors and hardware
  • interactive audio and game audio
  • telematic performance

We explore all aspects of computer science (artificial intelligence, big data, human computer interaction, etc.) as they contribute to the above areas.  Here are examples of earlier or on-going research projects.

Research Students

The following students are doing research in the lab (Spring 2025):

  • Taj Ballinger
  • Trevor Ritchie
  • Jimmy Cyganek

We are always looking for motivated students to contribute to ongoing research projects.

  • If interested, contact the Lab Director.  Please include a few sentences about your background, and your student ID (CWID).

Lab Equipment

The following is a partial list of the lab’s equipment:

  • 16 Genelec 8030B studio monitors
  • 2 Genelec 7050B studio subwoofer
  • MOTU 16A audio interface
  • 8 Presonus Eris E5 studio monitors
  • MOTU 8M audio interface
  • 2 Behringer TRUTH B2031A active monitors
  • 1 Behringer Xenyx X2442 16-input mixer
  • Apple Mac Pro, and various other computers
  • various wide-screen TVs and monitors
  • Kinect v2 sensors
  • Myo myoelectric sensors
  • LeapMotion sensors
  • various other accelerometer, gyro, and GPS sensors
  • Ambisonics software (e.g., Envelope, Zirkonium, Spat, Harpex, Ambisonic Toolkit, ambiX, etc.)
  • Ableton Live, Reaper, MAX/MSP, PureData, JythonMusic, etc.
  • Sennheiser Ambeo VR microphone & MixPre-6 Audio Recorder
  • Zoom H2n Recorder
  • Samsung Gear 360 4K VR Camera
  • Behringer DeepMind 12D 12-voice analog synthesizer
  • various Roland guitar synthesizers (GR-55, GR-20, etc.)
  • various MIDI controllers (M-Audio, AKAI, Keith McMillen, Behringer, etc.)
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