CITA/CSCI/FYSE 180 – Fall 2024 – Homework 2

Assigned Date: Wednesday, Sep. 18
Due Date: Friday, Sep. 27
Due Time: 30 mins before class


Pick a complete, interesting piece of music.  Claim it on the Ed Discussion board – make sure no one else is doing it – if so, pick another piece.

Write a Python program that plays it.

The piece should contain at least three Parts with different instruments.

It is OK to add percussion (drums), if you wish.


1. Bring to class the following:

  1. A printout of your Python program.
  2. A printout of the music score of your piece (if available) – for extra credit.
  3. Be ready to perform your program in class – part of your grade depends on this.

2. Also, submit your Python (.py) file on OAKS, so I can run it on my computer, if I wish.

Your program should have a meaningful name, e.g.,

Program Documentation

Follow the documentation instructions from Homework 1. In particular, your header documentation should:

  • mention the name of the piece and the composer / band where it comes from, and,
  • if you used a score available online, include the URL where the score can be found.

Remember, the Golden Rule of Style:  “A program should be as easy for a human being to read and understand as it is for a computer to execute.” [1] Your code should have general comments at the top, which explain what the program does. You should comment all variables, obscure statements, and blocks of code.

Follow the textbook examples on how to write comments.


Your grade will be based on how well you followed the above instructions, and the depth/quality of your work.


  1. Cooper, D. and Clancy, M. (1985) “Oh! Pascal”, 2nd ed., W.W. Norton & Company, New York, p. 42.
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