Week 3 Reflection

In my final research project for a course centering on Mark Twain, I analyze Huckleberry Finn in conjunction with Percival Everett’s novel James. In doing so, I engage the history of Huckleberry Finn’s critical and popular reception, in order to contextualize how audiences have understood and respond to the novel. This helps prime my discussion […]

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Initial Capstone Reflection

My ability to write these longer seminar papers has always been part of my academic journey. As someone who had to write a more extended form of bachelor’s paper (~45 pages), the length of seminar papers has not been as daunting as it might have been if I had been in a different undergraduate program. […]

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Initial Reflection

Writing academic essays used to terrify me especially when it came to subjects that I really enjoyed. High school teachers often used terms such as “hard” and “brutal” to describe writing a college level paper would be. While I appreciated their desire to prepare me for the coming pages that I would encounter throughout my […]

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Initial Capstone Reflection

My confidence as an academic writer has grown tremendously over the course of the program. I began uncertain of how to organize and develop a long paper, and was intimidated by the hefty word counts required of seminar papers. My experiences as a graduate student, particularly in my intro to graduate studies course, helped me […]

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