Disguise, I see thou art a wickedness.

The significance of this scene is Maria is about to be rescued by her husband Joseph Tura. He is wearing a false beard and glasses to disguise as professor Siletsky. Maria sabotages the report on the Polish underground but Joseph is in disguise of professor Siletksiy and is asked to meet the real colonel. The beginning of the meeting goes as planned, but is destroyed once the real professor is found dead. This is when Joseph decides to hide the dead body in a plot to protect his identity along with saving Maria. The reason I think this scene is significant is because the film “To Be Or Not To Be” can be considered a satire- connecting both drama and comedy. The comedy comes from the obvious sarcastic tone, however there are dramatic elements that occur  after this scene. Joseph tried to disguise himself as the professor and Maria eventually becoming a nazi spy through the element of seduction. In my personal opinion, one could even describe this film as a spy/thriller. This still from the movie captures the plot that Joseph disguise did work and that he captures the essence of a spy. Another important element to this still is the colorization and accent of the photo. Obviously the movie was made in a different era of ours- of course movies now-a-days are shot in black and white but the graininess of the photo proves its time period. Something else that stuck out to me was the lack of advance movie productions that film crews had in the 1940s. Without advance custom teams, prosthetics, or technology they were able to still capture the disguise that Joseph wore. And of course this costume added to the plot of the movie in regards to tricking characters. The still is a basic close up shot,but it captures the characters expression and essentially tells the story within itself.