Post 9: To be or to be baffled

For blog post #9, I decided to choose and repost from blog assignment #2. The film we were told to analyze is “to be or not to be” by Ernst Lubitsch. I chose this scene because it addresses themes that we have discussed in class. The scene is significant because it’s setting is Warsaw, Poland, right before the Nazi German invasion in 1939. Everything in Poland was regular that day and the intro scene depicts a regular lifestyle among the citizens but all of a sudden things began to change drastically. Hitler was in Poland, they added some humor to this scene that relates to showing violence on screen and how similar to inglorious bastards making light of terrible things that have happened in history tend to help the viewers stay attentive. What’s interesting here is that the facial expression on these two people is described as “did they see a ghost “, I felt as if this scene conveyed so much emotion due to the fact that the intro scene was showing regular everyday life in Warsaw and then without blinking the director sets a whole different concern for the remainder of the movie. The scene reveals that Warsaw Poland was about to be invaded and things were going to change.In terms of content cameras Focus on the people’s faces and reactions helps reiterate the point that something unjust is going to follow.