This scene is when Joy’s “boyfriend” at the time took her to see this women who is working with some sort of organization towards resolving the sex trade. Joy is expressing her concerns about not being allowed to stay in Germany if she where to give more information. She expresses how she is worried that they will be sent back to their home countries where they will be in a lot of danger for themselves, their families, their madame’s families, and the Juju Priest. It’s hard for these two Germans to understand the situation Joy is in and actually be able to help her.
During this scene I recognized the camera angles as trying to help tell the story. Joy is trying to explain what could potentially happen and is trying to find a way to get help without getting anyone hurt. The camera is held from behind or to the side of Joy when she is talking in order to accentuate that this is about her. The two Germans are seen trying to understand by being shown from an angle behind Joy like in the still above. They also do the same thing with Joy’s “boyfriend” as he is listening and trying to understand what a Juju Priest is.
I think this scene is all about trying to understand the culture in which Joy and this industry has come from. Later in the film when Joy’s “boyfriend” offers her money to come live with him and pay off her debt, he still doesn’t understand that it is not that easy and she has other people to worry about.