In the film Joy there are lots of close ups on our main characters. This can really reflect the boundaries that are being crossed and taken advantage of with Joy and the prostitute’s. Even with the sounds of this film it is really dependent on silence. There isn’t that much dialog and there is no score which helps provoke uneasy, uncomfortable and realism especially with the scene of Precious getting raped, all we hear is her cry for help. I think having mainly medium close ups and close ups help with the theme and tone of the film since we are getting really close and personal with the characters and seeing how easy it is for them to let themselves become vulnerable to strangers. And maybe even a since of being trapped inside this narrative of this is the only life for them.We really see the emotion or maybe even lack there of since Joy ironically doesn’t show much joy at all in the film but once we get to the end we see Joy walking away from the camera embodying her own freedom away from the camera and Madame no longer following that narrative anymore.
Up Close and Personal