Off the Map

Blog Post #5

I thought this would be a good gif to make and present because it is one of the first times we see the young character of Cenk learning a little bit about cultural identity. He is the only child in the classroom who’s home city doesn’t lay on the European map, and he is obviously upset and even made fun of for this (you can see in his reaction after the teacher puts him on the blank wall). This starts the issue/question of cultural identity that sticks around through the whole film, not only with Cenk. This here is where the German/Turkish identity question starts to come into play basically.

A Flash of the Past


This scene is at the very end of the movie when the family is leaving their small village in Turkey as well as their beloved grandfather behind. I think this scene shows how the film came full circle. Cenk, as the youngest in the family, is trying to imagine and replay the stories Canan had been telling him of their family and journey to Germany. This film follows the history of guest workers but, more specifically, the story of this certain family. This scene shows the memory, history, and cultural identity that was important to this family during the time of their migration and within the many generations that followed.

Scalps Scalps Scalps!

The still shows Monsieur LaPadite crying as he just gave up the hiding spots for the Jewish citizens to Hans Landa. This is an important scene because it shows the ruthlessness of the Nazi regime and how they seem to lack morals and ethics for other human rights. The caption, ‘When you don’t get 100 scalps for Lt. Aldo Raine,’ is important as it is a reference to Lt. Aldo Raine and his team of renegade Americans in the hunt for Nazi militia. Lt. Aldo Raine informs his men that they must get 100 Nazi scalps by the time they are done fighting.