Inescapable Pasts

I chose to use this scene to make a meme of because it shows the reverse of roles, power, and memory at the end of the war. I wrote, “You can take the Nazi out of Germany but you can’t take the Swastika off his forehead”, because this is the scene where Hans Landa is surrendering to Aldo Raine. He says he will give up information and help them end the war as long as he is pardoned for his crimes and free to flee to Nantucket. The symbolism of the Swastika, the Inglorious Basterds, and the mentions of the “Bear Jew” throughout the movie all represent communicative memory. In the film, Aldo Raine knows that as soon as the war is over Nazi’s who have not been caught or killed will be able to shed their uniforms and dissolve back into society. This is exactly what Hans Landas plans to do when he arrives in Nantucket. When the Basterds catch Nazi’s they have two choices; refuse to give up information and be killed or give up information and become branded forever. The symbolism of carving Swastika’s on foreheads in the film represents the Nazi’s betrayal to their party but also leaves them with something to remind them everyday of the horrors they inflicted on others.