Both of these films reflect the powerful nature of Mother Earth. Encounters at the Edge of the World is a true nature documentary, where as Fire at Sea revolves around a completely different topic yet still holds those themes true. Fire at Sea is able to weave in those ideals into a greater narrative. Encounters at the Edge of the World screenshot reflects the awe inspiring the nature of Antartica, but it does not only focus on the nature, the film examines the people involved with the continent. Fire at Sea focused on people which is the other side of the coin. The duality between the two vastly different films is what attracted me to comparing them together.
I picked a screenshot of an explorer underneath the dangerous ice from Encounters as it is so vastly different from Fire at Sea. Even though Encounters at the Edge of the World is a documentary, it maintains a surreal quality to it. Fire at Sea is more grounded in nature, which is why I picked the scene directly discussing nature. The weather in Antartica is naturally more miserable, making it the perfect juxtaposition of two polar opposites. I think that these two screenshots play off each other in a meaningful way.