Day and the Life of Joey Rinaldi’s viewing patterns and needs!

My viewing habits are based off of Monday April, 6th- Friday April, 10th. My viewing habits have been very similar throughout the past few years and throughout College. As for shows and live television I watch sports and the news. As well as going on free on demand and choosing from various different networks and just picking out TV shows that way. Sometimes I will throw on channels like BET or MTV or Cartoon Network. This is what I do to entertain myself when I’m watching TV in my living room at school when I have cable. I do a lot of media viewing and film viewing on Netflix Hulu and Disney plus as well. The reason I separate these two is because when I watch TV I can watch things like sports or the news that are taking place currently and that involve Society basically. So when I switch over to Hulu Netflix and Disney plus I watch different things sort of like what I watch on TV sometimes like MTV BET for example but it’s mainly movies and funny shows and crime shows that have nothing to do with engaging other people in societies or just the plain old news. On top of this my media videos and film watching also take place on my phone. Instagram Snapchat Facebook or another type of platform I watch media and videos on. For an unrelated school job I do a lot of media viewing on Instagram that helps me learn a lot and keep up-to-date on an account with my own personal goals. So that is completely different although it still is entertaining and me consuming media. The reason I wanted to describe the platforms and films I used this week and pretty much all the time before I dove into reflecting on when I watch them is because they’re all different and I feel like this makes me watch them at different times. So Monday through Thursday I typically went to all my in class classes which are now online and went to work and then would more school work out of the classroom following that. Although we don’t have class anymore inside the classroom the schedule still kind of is the same and pretty much is still the same with my viewing patterns. During the day when I would have free time and time in between classes during normal school days I would watch sports live on TV for example ESPN. As well as the news and I would do this at like 1 after waking up going to a class or two and then just taking a moment breather. Putting on ESPN or the news or just flicking to a quick show I like on free on demand is the way I like to watch media during the day. Throughout the day if I have to go to the doctors or I’m forced to wait an extra 30 minutes before I can go to the gym or if a professor is running late to a meeting I spend that time on Facebook Instagram and Snapchat on social media platforms to fulfill my viewing needs. Not only am I leisurely exploring videos and content but like I said before I actually have a page on Instagram where I don’t post that much but I like all these accounts that have to do with exercise science and it’s built up basically just an app for me with tons and tons of information and videos that I read everyday. The reason I described these times throughout my schedule is because this is when I view this type of media. For example this week Monday through Thursday that type of Ewing typically happened anywhere sporadically from 8 in the morning to 4 in the afternoon 5 at night. Last but not least Netflix Hulu and Disney plus are what I view in the evening. I separated from the TV and TV programs are typically pick to watch during the day because I feel like it’s just different vibes. I’m done with all my work and weekly responsibilities and activities so then I can just throw on movies that are serious not so serious whatever I really like. Usually this would happen at the end of busy days during the school week this semester but now that we’ve moved online it’s kind of just like every day I watch Netflix and Hulu. Although this week specifically I watched Hulu and Disney plush Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday night although on Monday night I walked Everybody Hates Chris on Hulu. In regards to covid-19 yes my viewing patterns have changed although not too drastically like I described. Obviously a million things have changed in and throughout the US at the moment so it wouldn’t be too far off if individuals weirdly started to change their media habits whether that’s increasing the amount you watch or decreasing. Or changing what you watch at certain times or changing what you watch in general and deciding to use different platforms.

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