Different Cultures

The clip I am analyzing is close to the beginning of the film. The scene is when Ali walks Emmi home from the bar. He begins to start a conversation with Emmi. Their conversation dwindles to the point when Emmi tells Ali that “Other countries have other customs”. She is referring to Ali’s Morocco custom of the children taking care of their parents when they have reached a certain age where they are not able to take care of themselves. But in Germany Emmi stated that this custom does not exist. The statement of “Other countries have other customs” is indeed true. In most Asian countries they somewhat follow the Moroccan custom of the children taking care of the elders but the difference is that this responsibility is for the eldest daughter to take on. There are many more different customs that are probably better known. For example in one of the films we already watched, Almanya has an interesting scene that shows the different customs between the Turks and the Germans. The bathroom scenes show the different lifestyle of the home between the Turks and Germans. The mustache scene shows another custom. This custom points out that an ideal man is not truly a man unless he has a mustache.

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