This is the scene in the film To Be or Not to Be where Miss Tura meets Siletsky for the first time and references working for the Nazis in their conversation. Siletsky brings up working for the winning side, and being a spy for the Nazi party. In the scene he says that Madam Tura is a good actor, yet he does not even realize that during this conversation she is acting like she wants to be a spy for them, but in reality she is just trying to get information out of him. Siletsky begins to flirt with her and Madam Tura goes along with it, as a good actor would. His blindness to the very trait that she is being recruited for allows for Madam Tura to play his hand. Siletsky is so sure that she will join him he is not worried about her betraying him, and that is what gives her the advantage. Later in the film when Tura goes back to where Siletsky is staying she is able to once again play him like a fiddle during their dinner. This allows for Madam Tura and her husband Joseph Tura to lure him into a trap where he is killed and Mr. Tura then plays the role of Siletsky to foil the German plans.