The Slighest Inconvenience…

For my GIF I wanted to do a screen shot of Hitler’s tantrum. I feel like Tarantino made out Hitler’s character to be whiny and silly. I feel like he wasn’t really taken as serious as he is protrayed in other films or readings. Other films show him as this fearless leader who gives off this intimidating figure that everyone looked at as someone to be afraid of. However In Inglorious Bastards that’s not the case. In this scene where he finds out about “The Bear Jew”, him and his soldiers actually appear to be terrified about a guy with a baseball bat and his appearance as a golem but don’t know to whether believe it or not because they say it’s just “soldier’s gossip”. I think this is an interesting scene because as we have talked about in class to what is Hitler and how his actions are far more terrifying then his appearance and the thought of anyone being more terrifying then him is an immediate threat. It’s kind of like he want’s to be the most feared so by doing that he say’s that he will hang their naked bodies from the Eiffel Tower to prove a point so that no one is more scary then him.

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