Justice: What Could Have Been, The Movie

Justice: What Could Have Been, The Movie

Time Stamps: Inglourious Basterds

(36:30- 38:03)

(2:23:58- 2:25:19)


Voice over for the first clip: Inglourious Basterds is a film that deals with some very sensitive topics, the main one being the retribution that a fictional set of Jewish Americans give to Nazi soldiers during WWII. The group, nicknamed the Basterds, mark soldiers that they let go with a swastika on their foreheads as a symbol that they have to live with for the rest of their lives, like the Germans did to Jewish people with the numbers tattooed on their wrists.

Voice over for the second clip: Another action that the Basterds partake in is the burning down of the cinema with high ranking Nazi officials inside, a reversal of cases where German soldiers had burned down barns with Jewish people inside. It is only fitting that the Basterds do this as the final case of revenge for all the atrocities committed against the Jewish people, and the scene also includes a closeup of the Basterds gunning down Hitler in his booth as overkill to the burning down of the cinema to make sure that he is killed during the event.

Voiceover for the third clip: As the cherry on top, Colonel Landa strikes a deal with the United States government and has his life after the war setup, but Brad Pitt’s character, Aldo the Apache, does not want Landa to come out of this a free man with no way of telling of what he had done, so he carves a swastika in his forehead as well. This is the representation of the final justice for every German soldier or official that came out of the war that did not face charges for crimes they committed during the war.

Transitions for scenes, simple fade in and out between scenes. No music in the background but instead having the clips audios playing behind the voiceover.

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