Before COVID-19, I definitely did not use media as much as I do now. I usually only watched shows on Netflix and Hulu. I am too lazy to start watching new shows again so I pretty much would just rotate between Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Broad City, That 70s Show, and Schitt’s Creek. I also did not have as much time with physically being in school, having a job, and being able to hangout with friends to be watching more than 3 hours of media a day. When I’m at school I usually watch media in the afternoon or night time when I’m trying to relax.
Since COVID-19 hit, the amount of media I have consumed has drastically increased. I’ve been watching a lot more movies and watching new shows rather than the ones I usually watch in rotation. Since being home I’ve begun watching shows on different platforms like Amazon Prime and Disney Plus, because my family has accounts. My mom and I have begun watching movies every night because we have nothing else to do. School being online has also played a role in the increase in media I’ve been consuming. Online school makes it easy to watch shows in between assignments as a “break”. Not having a job or going to school or being able to see friends really leaves a lot more time to lay in bed, watch a show, and do nothing.
I think it’s incredible that we have the internet during such a crucial time period. Things would be so much worse if people were not able to work from home or we were not able to go to school online. The internet is providing entertainments for billions of people in the world quarantining and I think this whole pandemic would be much different if we did not have the internet. The internet is changing right now to normalize (as much as possible) billions of peoples lives during this time. I think we are now realizing how useful the internet is as a resource.