Hotel Conflict

This part of the film highlights the anxiety that Georg faces throughout the film. He decides to get the hotel room, despite the fact that he knows that the hotel receptionist will betray him. Georg is so tired and drained from his journey that his only goal at that moment. The director, Petzold, showcases the differences between these two characters by placing them at opposite sides of the table. The table acts as the literal barrier that stands between Georg and sleep, which represents peace for Georg. The director keeps both of the characters mainly out of frame from each other showing their differing goals. This scene highlights movement as a theme as this is a single stop on Georg’s journey to his potential freedom. The clip interests me as it truly shows Georg’s desperation in that moment. The scene really encapsulates his motivation during his odyssey.  The receptionist also highlights the amount of totalitarian rule in this fascist state, as she says the amount of bureaucratic roadblocks that face Georg for him not to stay at the hotel. It would have been impossible for him to go to the police, making his only option is to comply with the hotel.

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