The scenes that chose represent the theme of nature shown through the film “Encounters at the End of the World”. More specifically, I think the film really touches on how humans interact with nature and these scenes contribute to this theme. Herzog uses camera angles, lighting, and plots throughout the film to show us what is the right way that humans should interact with nature and what is the wrong way to interact with nature. In the first screenshot, the base that researchers live at. The scenes from the base seem gray and deary, I think this conveys that infiltrating nature is not something that we as humans should be doing. Other scenes in the film that are filmed at the base, the scenery all seem gray and drab. This is contrasted by the screenshot from the other scene at the very beginning of the film, where the researchers are looking at the ice in Antarctica, where the scene is vibrant and light. There are other moments where they are observing nature and there is a usage of color and light that contrasts the scenes from the base, such as when Herzog was interviewing the penguin researcher. This shows how humans should interact with nature, we as humans should observe and preserve nature, not try to infiltrate it or change it.