Throughout the film some of the characters get titles and/or special scene that shows who they are or what they are. The first special scene would be when Hugo Stiglitz is introduce. We the audience do not know who Hugo Stiglitz is but the film give a one minute narration of who Hugo Stiglitz is and what he portrayed to be. Later on the film we are then in Dr. Joseph Goebbels, Hitler’s number 2. Unlike Hugo Stglitz Dr. Goebbels did not get a special scene of why he is Hitler’s number 2 instead one of the character give a short introduction of who he is. I don’t really see anything special about this character to considered Hitler’s number 2. They way he is portrayed seems bland for a high ranking Nazi official/officer there is no sense of intimidation when he introduced. Unlike when we were introduced to Hans Landa with his clam and cool demeanor he gives a sense of intimidation. There many other character throughout the film that are given titles but they don’t get a special shot or introduction scene. Sgt. Donny “The Bear Jew” Donowitz does shows his ferocity of a bear when he first introduced. Hans Landa explains why he is caused “The Jew Hunter”, it is job he is tasked to do so but seems more like a detective then a Nazi officer. These titles that are given to these character should be and idea of a first impression of what the character is going to be most of these characters follow their title in a way I did not see coming