Inglourious Basterds Meme

In the film Inglorious Basterds, Col. Hans Lada’s character acts as one of the main antagonists, making it pretty easy to dislike him. In the opening scene of the film, he visited a french dairy farmer’s home to investigate the possibility that they were hiding a Jewish family from the Nazi’s. The colonel then goes on to explain that he thinks of the jewish people as rats and to find them you must think like a rat. All the while he was enjoying the fresh milk from the farmer’s cows. He makes a fuss about how delicious it is, complementing the farmer. Later, he is in a restaurant sitting with Shosanna, orders her a glass of milk, and instructs her to wait to eat her dessert after they bring the whipped cream for the top. The significance of the milk is still somewhat beyond me but I believe that it was used as an intimidation tactic. It also created suspence within the films that it was featured in.

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