Deadly Optimism

In this clip, we see the final interaction between Georg and the woman who was watching the dogs before she kills herself. When watching this clip I thought back to Hannah Arendt’s We Refugees and her discussion about the suicides of the Jewish people. Arendt discusses the optimism and hope that many of the Jewish people had in the hopes of returning home, and how ultimately that optimism and hope faded for many and eventually led them to suicide. The Jewish refugees were left in a state of limbo not knowing if or when they would be able to return home, so the only thing that they had that they could cling to after losing their homes and livelihoods was hope and optimism. However, one hope and optimism is gone, they are left with nothing and death can be seen as a better option. This is similar to the woman with the dogs. The dogs she is tasked with watching symbolize her hope for escape. However, these dogs ultimately die, symbolizing how her hope and optimism of leaving France has died. Mirroring may Jewish and refugees from other countries, the woman ultimately decides to kill herself and simply falls from the ledge where she and Georg are smoking. She kills herself quietly with no explanation just like how Arendt described the suicides of Jewish refugees.

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