Dark vs Light

For my analysis I will be talking about the lighting aspect of the film. Lighting can play a big part through out a film. It shows us exactly what to look at and helps provoke emotion within that characters, especially within noir films. With noir films, typically the dark represents evil and the light represents good. But it’s not always that black and white and doesn’t always represent bad versus good. In Casablanca the shadows and lights seem to represent the internal struggle of Rick. When they show his past with Ilsa it’s bright with light as if they are both glowing with happiness. But, as the story progresses they both become torn between their love for each other and their responsibility and uncertainty of what to do about the situation. When Ilsa leaves Rick for her husband that she thought was dead, that is when we begin to see Rick enter the shadows that represents his self conflict and sadness. And when she comes back to Ricks night club you can see that she is in the light still while he has a shadow covering him. This just shows how she left him and the relationship in the dark. Even when she and her husband enters the club he’s is brightly lit while Rick not so much. So with the lighting we see sadness versus happiness and feelings of being trapped especially during the war.


One thought on “Dark vs Light

  1. I noticed the lighting during this movie but I never connected the dots to what it may symbolize. Since this movie was created during the Code Era, which means that it couldn’t blatantly show “sexy” women, this movie got around those rules by showing the shadow of a dancing club lady in one of the scenes, which is an innovative use of shadows.

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