I chose this still for this blog post because I think it represents the time perfectly well. At the time this film was made, many citizens in Europe were not aware of the full effect of the Holocaust and to what exactly was going on. Just as they didn’t know exactly what was occurring in regards to Hitler’s actions many people also really had no idea what Hitler looked like. I think people often thought or only knew he had a mustache of distinctive character but beyond that, they really had no idea. This shot from To be or Not to Be by Ernst Lubitsch extends on the idea that there was much confusion and worry among the people in regards to what Hitler looked like. In this Shot, one of the gentlemen is arguing that Bronkski doesn’t even look like Hitler and that he needs to look more like Hitler in the picture they have in the room. This is ironic because the picture he is referring to is a picture of Bronski dressed as Hitler. This further shows that there was much confusion amongst people about what Hitler looked like. This also touches on the importance of the Mustache and how it is something constant throughout this film in regards to some of the topics we discussed in class.