The still that I have chosen is the very last scene of the film which in my opinion shows a major context of this film is that of the performance of all the actors both as their main character and then as their character’s characters. This scene shows that Joseph Tura no matter what stage he is on he can not recite Hamlet’s soliloquy without someone being displeased. Which is very funny, because after watching his performance as a Nazi Officer and his performance as Professor Siletsky. We see that is indeed a great actor he is able to trick Colonel Ehrhardt, his cohorts, and even Professor Siletsky even for a short amount of time. We can also see that Joseph’s performance can also be extended to improve. When he had to think of a way to convince Colonel Ehrhardt and his cohorts that he is the “real” Professor Siletsky. Then another good scene that shows the actor’s talent for a serious performance would be when they executing their plan to escape Warsaw. Using their costumes from the very beginning of the film we see them give their greatest live performance. The group is committed into a serious like how the Producer Jan Dobosz wanted it in the start and wish that performance they were able to escape to England.