The podcast “The Privacy Paradox – note to self” (WNYC Studios) consists of 5 newsletters, which include “tips and a short podcast explaining the science, psychology, and tech behind that day’s challenge.” (The Privacy Paradox, Now that you have listened to all five episodes, it is time for us to reflect upon each day’s challenge.
Please use this blog entry to write about two episodes of the Privacy Paradox that particularly spoke to you. Which two episodes and their challenges provided the most interesting learning experience for you? For example, in the fourth episode, “Fifteen Minutes of Anonymity” the question is raised how someone can be close to oneself. In which ways could the challenges support you feeling “close(r) to yourself”? Additionally, did you further engage with recommended apps, browser add-ons, and your social media privacy settings? If yes, what did you do? What was interesting to find out about yourself? And last but not least, in which ways did the challenges encourage you to take back control of your digital identity? What are your “Personal Terms of Service”?