SSM Education/Outreach Assessment SSM Education/Outreach Assessment This site provides a means for reporting all education outreach efforts within SSM. this will allow the School to keep track of what all we are doing and what impact we are making within the community. Thank you for taking time to do this! Name: * Department * BiologyChemistry and BiochemistryComputer ScienceGeology and Environmental GeosciencesMathematicsPhysics and AstronomyLowcountry Hall of Science and Math General Title of Event/Activity: * Brief Description of Your Participation in Event/Activity: * Date of Event/Activity: * Time in Prep for Event/Activity (in minutes or hours): * Time at Event/Activity (in minutes or hours): * Primary Audience (Check all that apply) * Elementary School Students (grades K-5) Middle School Students (grades 6-8) High School Students (grades 9-12) Educators General Public OtherOther Approximate Number of Participants: * Approximate Number of Female: * Approximate Number of Ethnic Minorities: * This form is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Δ