CofC Observatory Open House | Friday, 17 January 6:30 – 8 PM

The Physics and Astronomy department at the College of Charleston is once again holding an open house at our facilities. Weather permitting, our 16-in telescope in the rooftop observatory and the observing deck with smaller telescopes will be open to the public.  We will also have fun activities and demonstrations for all ages in rooms on the first floor of the science building.    Enter the Rita Liddy Hollings Science Center (NOT the New Science Center on Calhoun St.) via the Coming Street entrance and check in with the Society of Physics Students host, who will direct you to the location of the indoor and outdoor activities.

This event is free and open to the public.  However if you plan to bring a large group (10 or more), or if you will need special accommodations, please let us know ahead of time by contacting (, 843-953-2031).

Open-toed shoes are not permitted on the observing deck. Please keep in mind that it can be several degrees cooler and much windier on the roof than at ground level.

For further information and last-minute weather alerts, please refer to our website:   We also have a Facebook page

Charleston STEM Festival: February 8, 2014

Charleston STEM Festival logoJoin the Lowcountry Hall of Science and Math on February 8, 2014 at the Charleston STEM Festival. During the festival kick-off, children and families will view exhibits and participate in interactive demonstrations hosted by local industries, non-profits and educational institutions. In the two weeks following the event, our community supporters will be hosting a wide variety of events around town, including workshops, lectures, and open houses.

The festival kick-off on Saturday, February 8, 2014 is a one-day (10am-3pm) interactive event at Liberty Square that will highlight the many STEM education initiatives in the area.

For more information, check out To participate in the Charleston STEm Art Contest, check out

Save the Date: Lowcountry Science Fair to be held April 1

The 2014 Lowcountry Science and Engineering Fair (LSF) will be held Tuesday April 1, 2014 at the College of Charleston TD Arena, Meeting Street. Registration and forms will be due on Friday, March 7, 2014.

The LSF is open to students in grades 5-12 in Berkeley, Charleston, Colleton, Dorchester, and Georgetown counties. More information regarding registration will be sent out at a later date.