What is it like to be a mudlark for an hour? What did you find? How do you think the experience would have been different in 1850? The brief Wikipedia article on mudlarks is worth checking out....Read More
We have looked at ruins of the past. “London Wall,” sometimes called the “Roman Wall,” is almost 2000 years old. All we see now are fragments. St. Dunstan’s in the East, ...Read More
What aspect of the location — the village of Haworth, the Brontë parsonage, the moors — helps you better understand Wuthering Heights? Discuss a specific image or object that captures som...Read More
We can be relatively sure that Catherine, the heroine of Northanger Abbey, would not have approved of the name of Hugh Walpole’s estate. Strawberry Hill? Are you kidding me? Could not the owner ...Read More
Check out the interesting similarity between the image at left with the classic still from the 1931 film version of Dracula. What is it about the body language in these images? In the title song, whic...Read More
In her brilliant feminist essay, A Room of One’s Own (1928), Virginia Woolf tries to understand why so few women were able to produce creative writing. In her study of English history, she notes...Read More
Bath is a curious tourist attraction because its historical significance is as a tourist attraction. Relatively wealthy people in the modern world travel to Bath to find out what it is was like for re...Read More
Freud’s House is full of objects that he has collected. What kind of images does he seem to prefer? Which one catches your eye in relation to “The Uncanny”? &nbs...Read More
In Dracula, Stoker does not mention the particular graveyard where Lucy is entombed. Highgate seems a likely candidate because of its proximity to Hampstead Heath. But I am interested to hear what you...Read More