Note that scheduling a study-abroad class entails more uncertainties than usual. I will try to stick as closely as possible to the schedule below, but the class will be most successful if we all strive to be flexible.
Regarding trips, the class will gather in the lobby of our dorm and leave promptly at the departure time. If you oversleep or otherwise miss a departure: 1) don’t panic and 2) don’t feel ashamed. Text, call, or email me as soon as possible. If time allows, try to catch up with us or find your own way to the site or back home to the dorm. If everybody wants to change the time of a class, let me know and I will accommodate if possible.
Schedule of Classes and Activities
For the first three days, the class will meet on Zoom. Class times for those days are EST.
W June 26
Use this link to join the classes.
10a: Class introduction
2p: Class on Austen, Northanger Abbey (complete novel beforehand)
Writing: NA LitCrit blog post before class.
R June 27
Use this link to join the classes.
10a: Class on Austen, Northanger Abbey
2p: Class on Bronte, Wuthering Heights (complete novel beforehand)
Writing: WH LitCrit blog post before class.
R June 28
Use this link to join the classes.
10a Class on Bronte, Wuthering Heights
2p Class on Bronte, Wuthering Heights
M July 1
Departure: enjoy the flight.
If you have time, read the first chapter of The Castle of Otranto, the book that started the Gothic fad in English.
T July 2
Arrival in London
W July 3
Morning tba: Orientation
Afternoon tba: London Explore. Extra credit if you join my group for “mudlarking” and write about it on the blog.
Late Afternoon tba: Opening Event!
R July 4
9a Activity: Tour of Roman Wall, St. Dunstan’s Garden, and Temple Church.
2p Class on “Goblin Market,” location tba
Writing: GM LitCrit blog post beforehand
F July 5
6:15a Depart for Haworth. Walk to King’s Cross sta. for 7:03a train to Leeds, where we catch train for Keighly. Bus to Haworth
10 tour Bronte parsonage
11:30a walk in the moors
3:30-4p gather to bus to Keighly
Writing: Site blog on Haworth to follow
M July 8
9:45a Depart for Strawberry Hill. Tube to departure for train Waterloo sta. for anytime ticket. On train read Chap. 1 of Castle of Otranto
11-1p Tour Strawberry Hill
2p Class (at Strawberry Hill) bring Dracula
5:30p leave for Phantom of the Opera at Her Majesty’s Theatre (Haymarket; Piccadilly tube)
Writing: site report blog posts to follow for Strawberry Hill and Phantom
T July 9
9:15a Depart for Tate Britain (Millbank; Pimlico tube stop)
2p class on nineteenth-century images of women
Writing: site blog post to follow
W July 10
7:15a bus to Bath (picking us up at the dorm)
11a Bath Walking tour
2p Roman Bath tour
4:15p bus returns to London
Writing: site blog post to follow
R July 11
10a Class tba on Dracula
2p Class tba on “The Uncanny”
F July 12
9:30a Leave for Freud museum
3:30p Leave for walking tour, Sex and the City (Medicinal Garden of the Royal College of Physicians, St Andrews Place)
Writing: site blog posts for the Freud museum and the walking tour to follow
M July 15
10a Class (tba) on The Picture of Dorian Gray
2p Class (tba) on Dorian Gray
Writing: LitCrit blog on Dorian Gray
T July 16
9a Leave to Highgate Cemetery
2p Class (tba) on Dorian Gray
6:30p leave for Globe theatre to see Much Ado about Nothing at 7:30 (Bankside, Southwark tube)
Writing: site blog post to follow
W July 17
7a Leave to Oxford on train
10a Ashmolean Museum
1:30p Tour of Magdalen College
3p Tour of Christ’s College
Writing: site blogs to follow
R July 18
10a Class (tba) on “Lot #249”
2:15p Leave for 3p tour of Operating Theatre (9a St Thomas Street)
Writing: LitCrit blog beforehand and site blog to follow
F July 19
10a Class (tba) on The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and discussion of Research Assignment
Writing: LitCrit blog beforehand
M July 22
10a Jekyll and Hyde
Afternoon Work on research project
T July 23
Work on research project
W July 24
Train to Edinburgh!
R July 25
Work on research project