In this course, the bulk of our work is directed towards the “Final Project.” This first small step in that final assignment simply asks you to select three possible texts that you might like to write about and read about during the second, post-spring break portion of the course. We will meet in person outside of class to discuss your “Informal Text Selections and Rationale.” We’ll share ideas, and perhaps I’ll point you in a few useful new directions. That sharing, in fact, is another essential part of this assignment: it allows me to hold introductory meetings with each of you so I can get a better sense of which aspects of this class you’re most looking forward to, and of any concerns you might have. The meetings themselves will be fairly brief–around 10 minutes.
Please come to your conference ready to share and discuss your text selections and a little bit about one in particular–a single, typed page to be handed in at the during the conference itself should suffice. Please include the following:
- A list of three texts you might like to write about (your choices can include films and memoirs as well as fiction, poetry, drama or other, more established genres). It can be a text that you are reading in another English class, but will not be researching, or a text that you read in previous years that you would like to explore more fully. You can also list a book you’ve never read, but would like to (in which case: you better start reading).
- A 150-200-word statement about which of these texts you think has the most potential, and that you think you could devote your sustained attention to later in the semester.
- If you’ve already considered a much more specific line of argument or methodological approach, please feel free to expand!