Professor Rosko used the chalk board to diagram and discuss what makes for good writing, and while her illustrations got chaotic and she lost her handle on the diagram it shows us that there is no one right way to write. This was reiterated when Professor Warwick brought up the innovations on Google Drive which allow you to view a playback of a work‘s progression, mentioning that one of his student’s best writing came out after he used curse words which then became a known catalyst for his production. I think this tool would be helpful to younger writers, like myself, who are still figuring out their writing process or a ritual to get them into their writing mode that allows creativity. It was also interesting to learn about Professor Warwicks studies of rhetoric and how we write because that field has been pretty foreign to me up until recent and I had no idea the multitude of possibilities for writers who are studying writing or write purely academic essays. I enjoyed passing around the Crazy Horse magazine because it showcased a variety of writing that didn’t look for one particular type of good writing but instead encompassed many different types of poetry and short stories which encourage me to at least submit work to that publication and others to see what happens. I really enjoyed the talks as a whole and it was nice to see two professors/writers who are very different in their writing and their focuses because it showed the immensity of the writing field and how each individual can navigate it differently than the next.
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