To view this current time as post-modern is somewhat discerning as we typically view ourselves as modern; now. In some ways this relates to the notion that Time molds the environment and us as much as we create it ourselves. While the modern era is technically over according to a calendar, it lives on in the remnants of product and art, for example, poststructuralism. In reference to the list of general signifiers of Post-modern, next to the list of Modern era signifiers it is clear that at once, Structure is in itself open and openness requires structure. If things have stark outlines they must be put in reference to their environment which in turn connects all of the things surrounding.
It is true that the same spiral repeats itself within itself with in our universes, and then beyond. This sort of cyclical symmetry is the route of aesthetic pleasure. Often, when people are on hallucinogenics, they stare at symmetrical spiraling images that guide the mind through abstract space, such as this video:
Ancient art etched into temples, and indian fabrics also utilize this form of whimsical beauty.
Whats odd is that it invokes feelings of connectedness inside us because it connects all that is; our DNA, pinecone structures, to the spiral of our milky way, hurricanes, flower and weather patterns. In this way, structuralism that is classic to modern art, such as Mondrian boxes, aligns with the openness of post-modern thinkers and artists. This portrays what the chapter on Space and Time was implying because the structuralism that belonged to modernism lives on in the anti-structuralist openness of postmodern thinking regaurdlesss of time change. Whats changed is the way different generations interpret the world in accordance to their time. At once, the human experience is radically unique and then, simultaneously the same.
Very interesting meditation on the degree to which fractals in nature resemble deep structures that the structuralists might point to or, alternately, a kind of expansive, open, yet mathematically precise patterning. I’d have to look into it more, but if you’re interested, there’s an entire branch of poetry dedicated to “fractal” poetics. I would be curious to learn more about the theoretical commitments that underlie this mode of thinking!