Concept Map Quiz

I have collected–in the form of a word cloud–the various approaches and theoretical concepts that we discussed in our TheoryCamp modules. It’s stunning to capture visually the diversity of ideas that we’ve engaged. Now, it’s time to put these ideas to work–first, in our reading of Tropic of Orange, and, later, in our own individual research projects.

In class this week, we will have an open-book quiz in which I ask you to take one of the concepts or methodological approaches that we’ve discussed and apply it to a specific character or scene in Tropic of Orange. You can use both the novel and The Theory Toolbox during the quiz.

Where to start?  Arcangel and postcolonialism? Emi and media? Rafaelo and ecocriticism? Manzanar and structuralism? What about Emi’s penchant for “anti-multiculturalism” or the way she “essentializes” Gabriel? How do any of the character we’ve seen so far struggle to assert their agency? Any evidence of biopower? There are tons of possible entry points here.


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