Markdown source for “Markdown: More Details”
More comments on using [Jonathan Gruber’s Markdown mark-up language]( notation instead of HTML or the WYSIWIG “Visual” composing options.
## Why Markdown?
– For those of us who like the control of a markup language (HTML, LaTeX etc.) rather than a “What You See is Approximately What You Will Get” method (as with common word processing software and the Visual interface to WordPress), MarkDown allows that with a far more concise notation that HTML.
– The notation is also readable itself, before processing into final displayed form. This is because it is mostly based on conventions already used in email and some blogs to indicate formatting in a plain typed text.
## A Few Markdown Features (this is a level two heading)
Note: I will post next the raw input file that produces this post. Here is a list of the basics.
3. Enumerated lists like this one. Note that errors in the numbering get fixed!
2. Non-enumerated lists as in the previous section, __Why Markdown?__
1. Section headings, like “A Few Markdown Features”
5. Text that is *emphasized* and so probably appears _in italics_ (using either underscores or stars)
5. Text that is **strongly emphasized** and so probably appears __in boldface__ (double the underscores or stars)
1. Block quotes, using the common “>” notation from email. This is illustrated next, under the level three heading
1. Links, like the one above from the text “Jonathan Gruber’s markdown” to his page about it.
1. Simple links where the text that appears is the address for the link can be done as <>
### Block quoting (this is a level three heading)
Some of the text so far, quoted, with the list as a quote within the quote:
>I think that I overlooked describing another optional feature in these blogs: using [Jonathan Gruber’s markdown]( notation instead of HTML or the WYSIWIG “Visual” composing options.
>## Why Markdown?
>>- For those of us who like the control of a markup language (HTML, LaTeX etc.) rather than a “What You See is Approximately What You Will Get” method (as with common word processing software and the Visual interface to WordPress), MarkDown allows that with a far more concise notation that HTML.
>>- The notation is also readable itself, before processing into final displayed form. This is because it is mostly based on conventions already used in email and some blogs to indicate formatting in a plain typed text.
## How to use Markdown at this site
1. When logged in to compose a post, go to the item at left for Plugins, find _Markdown on Save_, and select *Activate*
2. When composing, find and check the box for “This post is formatted with Markdown”, at the top-right.
Note that even if you have activated the Markdown plug-in, you have the option of using Markdown or not on each individual post.
#### Warning: editing later can cause problems
Sometimes, editing a post after publishing does not work right: for example, list formatting can get messed up a bit. So it is best to get it right the first time, or to fix errors by creating a new replacement post and deleting the original.