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Creating websites @ blogs.charleston.edu

Notes and Experiments on using blogs.charleston.edu for full-scale web sites

I have found that the WordPress software used for these blogs makes it far easier to create and maintain a somewhat professional-looking web-site than traditional free HTML editors, which is why this is now my main web site at the College. So I am collecting here a few notes on tools and tricks that I have found useful.

  • The tools described so far are plug-ins to allow quick markup of content, including mathematical notation.
  • The main trick so far is that one can move beyond the usual reverse chronological collection of a blog by using static pages and lists of links. So I plan to soon add notes on pages, sub-pages, and lists of links.

The first notes are/will be:

  1. Using the WordPress plug-in JetPack plugin to enable and use LaTeX-like markup of mathematical notation in these blogs.Warnings: level one headings cannot be used! Level two headings come out too small!! So start at level 3!!!
  2. Using the WordPress plug-in Markdown on Save to enable John Gruber’s Markdown notation for quick markup formatting of a page, without the verbosity of HTML markup. This page itself is created using Markdown: to see (roughly) what I typed in to create it, see the markdown source for this page
  3. More notes on markdown at Markdown: More Details with the raw source for that here.


  1. http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/: John Gruber’s Markdown markup language
  2. http://en.support.wordpress.com/latex/: using latex-style markup in these blogs
  3. http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/jetpack/: the plug-in JetPack
  4. http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/markdown-on-save/: the plug-in Markdown on Save
  5. wordpress.org: our host (software)

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