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In Fall 2018, I am teaching

  • Introductory Calculus (MATH 120, Section 10), MTR 4–5:15 in Maybank Hall, room 117: syllabus
  • Vector Calculus with Chemical Applications (MATH 229): syllabus
  • Numerical Analysis 2 (MATH 645), times TBA

Coming up in Spring 2019, I will be teaching

  • Calculus 2 (MATH 220, section 2) MWF 1–1:50 and R 1:40–2:55 in Maybank Hall, room 223: syllabus from Spring 2017
  • Vector Calculus with Chemical Applications (MATH 229) MWF noon-12:50 in Maybank Hall room 224, TR 12:15-1:30 in Maybank Hall room 223: syllabus from Fall 2018

My office is in Room 344 of the Robert Scott Small building (across the mall from Maybank Hall). My office hours for Fall 2018 are MTR 10:30–11:30 and Wednesday 3:20–4:30, and by appointment.

Once the semester has started, most information for students in my courses is provided through OAKS, at https://lms.cofc.edu, but you can get basic information about each course, like the syllabus, from the links above.

The courses that I often teach are:

For the courses in numerical methods and analysis, I use and recommend “Python Scientific”, meaning the combination of Python (as used in the introductory programming course CSCI 220) with the packages Numpy and Matplotlib, and with the Spyder programming environment; these are all now part of the Anaconda bundle. See more at the page Python for Scientific Computing

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