Professor Michael A. Gómez’s study “Traces of ‘Hard’ Science in Selections from Tirso Aguimana de Veca’s Una temporada en el más bello de los planetas” has been accepted for publication in the Bulletin of Hispanic Studies.
Tag Archives: Publications
Dr. Carrillo Arciniega’s Book is Reviewed in _Chasqui_
A review of Professor Raúl Carrillo Arciniega’s book La mitografía del poeta: filosofía de la sensación poética (2015) has been published in the refereed journal Chasqui:
Dr. Avendaño’s Essay to Appear in _Confluencia_
Professor Nadia Avendaño’s study “The Road to Healing, Pilgrimage and the Vietnam War in Let Their Spirits Dance” will appear in the fall 2018 issue of the refereed journal Confluencia.
Dr. Owens’ Book Chapter Is Published
Professor Sarah E. Owens’ peer-reviewed book chapter “Transoceanic Religious” has been published in The Routledge Research Companion to Early Modern Spanish Women Writers, an edition by Nieves Baranda Leturio and Anne J. Cruz.
Dr. Del Mastro’s Note Published in _Decimonónica_
Professor Mark P. Del Mastro’s tribute to the late Dr. Donald L. Shaw of the University of Virginia has been published in the summer 2017 issue of the journal Decimonónica.
Dr. Viñas-de-Puig’s Book Chapter Published
Professor Ricard Viñas-de-Puig’s book chapter “Psych predicates, light verbs, and Phase Theory: On the implications of Case assignment to the Experiencer in non-leísta experience predicates” has been published in Contemporary advances in theoretical and applied Spanish linguistic variation, edited by Juan J. Colomina-Almiñana and published by Ohio State University Press.
Dr. Divine’s Study Accepted for Publication: Internat’l Journal of Iberian Studies
Professor Susan Divine’s article “Affect, Aliens, and Crisis in Nacho Vigalondo’s Extraterrestre” has will be published in the International Journal of Iberian Studies.
_Hispanic Studies Review_ Hosts Panel at 70th Annual Kentucky Foreign Language Conference
Hispanic Studies Review editorial team members: College of Charleston’s Carl Wise, Managing Editor of Transatlantic; Texas Tech University’s Diego Pascual, Managing Editor of Spanish Linguistics; College of Charleston’s Mark P. Del Mastro, Advising Editor before the journal’s inaugural panel “Strategies for Academic Journal Publishing” during the 70th Annual Kentucky Foreign Language Conference on April 21, 2017.
Dr. Weyers’ Study to Appear in the _International Journal of the Linguistic Association of the Southwest_
Professor Joseph R. Weyers’ article “Cross national forms of address in the US and Mexico: Addressing the consumer aquí y allí” has been accepted for publication in the International Journal of the Linguistic Association of the Southwest.
Studies by Drs. Chauca and Divine Appear in _Hispanófila_
Professor Edward Chauca’s study “Fanatismo en tiempos de guerra y neoliberalismo: Poeta ciego de Mario Bellatin y Un ejército de locos de José B. Adolph,” and Professor Susan Divine’s article “Recuperating Losses: History, Spectacle, Motility in Julio Medem’s Room in Rome/Habitación en Roma” were both published in the latest issue (December 2016) of the refereed journal Hispanófila.