Give To What You Love

Midnight on February 28, 2017 ended the Give To What You Love campaign. This was the first year that LCWA participated in this campaign. LCWA’s goal was to reach a total of 40 donors by the end of the campaign and not only did LCWA reach 40 they surpassed it!

LCWA had a total of 43 donors give to various funds and programs throughout the month of February. During this initiative faculty, staff, students, and alumni were encouraged to give to the fund that was meaningful to them. By investing in the College of Charleston, they were helping support the students and programs that made an impact on their lives.

LCWA would like thank everyone who gave during the Give To What You Love campaign and congratulate you for helping LCWA reach their 40 donors goal!

Give To What You Love

February is here and that means the Give To What You Love campaign has started!

LCWA is has a goal of reaching 40 donors. We’re all so excited to see how far we can get by the end of February. Yesterday, February 1st was the first day and we’ve already got 6 donors giving to LCWA. There are several different opportunitiest that you can give to.
School of Languages, Cultures and World Affairs, Dean’s Excellence Fund
African American Studies Program
Archaeology Fund
Classics Fund
French Department
German and Russian Studies
Hispanic Studies Fund
Italian Film Festival
Jewish Studies Annual Fund
College of Charleston Fund

Join us in our initiative to reach donors in the month of February by giving to the fund that is meaningful to YOU! By investing in the College of Charleston, you will help support the students and programs that YOU are passionate about.

Follow the link below to check out the LCWA giving page and to Give To What You Love!