Professor Silvia Rodríguez Sabater’s article “Beyond Mexico and Spain: Cultural Diversity in Spanish College Textbooks” has been accepted for publication in The Southern Journal of Linguistics.
Tag Archives: and World Affairs
Dr. Chauca’s Study Published in _Alter/nativas. Revista de estudios culturales latinoamericanos_
Professor Edward Chauca’s article “Comunidades imaginadas imposibles: derechos humanos y neoliberalismo en el cine y la literatura latinoamericana” has been published in the journal Alter/nativas. Revista de estudios culturales latinoamericanos.
Dr. Chauca Presents Research at Conference in Greenville, SC
Professor Edward Chauca presented his paper “Body-less Communities in Mexican/American Art” at the conference of The Association for the Study of the Arts of the Present in Greenville, SC. on September 24-27, 2015.
Hispanic Studies Teaching Discussion Series Features Dr. Pérez-Núñez
On Thursday, November 12, 2015, Professor Antonio Pérez-Núñez presented his talk “Beyond the Classroom: The Use of Online Platforms for Conversation Practice with Native Speakers” during the Hispanic Studies Teaching Discussion Series.
Dr. Pérez-Núñez Receives TalkAbroad Grant
In the fall of 2015, Professor Antonio Pérez-Núñez received a TalkAbout Grant to experiment with 1-on-1 interaction between students of his Spanish 313 class, Spanish Conversation, and native speakers
Dr. Colomina Presents Research in Alicante, Spain
Professor Lola Colomina-Garrigós presented her paper “La literatura en versión cinematográfica para el ahondamiento en el estudio del contexto de la dictadura militar chilena y la posterior transición democrática” at the XVI Congreso Internacional de la sociedad española de didáctica de la lengua y la literatura in Alicante, Spain on December 11, 2015.