Jonathan Dattilio
Mikaela Franco
Cyril Langston
Ruthie Foster

The Program in Latin American and Caribbean Studies (LACS) recently recognized LACS-Spanish double major Leasette León with its Outstanding Student Award for having the highest cumulative GPA in the program, a testament to the first-generation student’s dedication to excel in college.
Read the College TODAY article featuring LACS/Spanish double major Leasette León!
LCWA is pleased to announce that effective immediately Brian Rowe will become the development officer assigned to the School of Languages, Cultures and World Affairs. Many of you know Brian, since he has already been providing support for LCWA fund raising projects. Now in his third year at the College of Charleston, Brian previously served as a Leadership Gift Officer on the Annual Giving Team and was aligned closely with LCWA and the School of Sciences and Mathematics. He has worked in non-profit fundraising for nearly 20 years having served organizations in Virginia, New Hampshire, Maryland, and South Carolina. He holds a B.A. in Political Science from the University of Charleston (WV) and an M.F.A. in Theatre Education from Virginia Commonwealth University. Hailing from a small town in rural Ohio, Brian now lives in West Ashley with his wife Megan, who is the College’s Director of Campus Housing, and Sage the Cat, who is the best cat in the world. Join me in welcoming Brian to the LCWA team.
If you missed out on the Mroz Institute LCWA World Affairs Colloquium with Lisa Carty on April 7th don’t worry you can watch it below!
“Global Health and the U.S. Role”
Please join us on Wednesday, April 7 at 7pm, when Lisa Carty, Director of the U.S. Liaison Office of UNAIDS is our speaker for the Mroz Institute LCWA World Affairs Colloquium series. The event requires registration at this link. We look forward to having you join us for this most timely presentation, “ Global Health and the U.S. Role.”
Lisa Carty is Director for Humanitarian Financing and Resource Mobilization with the UN’s Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. She has worked for more than three decades on a variety of international affairs and humanitarian issues. Ms. Carty has had leadership roles in both the public and non-profit sectors including twenty five years as a diplomat with the U.S. Foreign Service with overseas assignments in Asia, the Middle East and Russia. Her United Nations career has included work with the UN Relief Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees, as well as positions with the Joint United Nations Program on AIDS. Earlier in her career, Ms. Carty helped lead the work of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s Global Health Program and was a senior adviser at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, DC. She holds a Masters Degree in Public Health from Johns Hopkins University and attended the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy and Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service.
Did you miss out on the Mroz Institute LCWA World Affairs Colloquium with Dr. Karen Donfried on March 11th?
Don’t worry you can watch it below!
“Charting a New Course for Transatlantic Cooperation.”
Please join us for the next in our Colloquium series on Thursday, March 11 at 7pm. Dr. Donfried is president of the German Marshall Fund of the United States, and will present on “Charting a New Course for Transatlantic Cooperation.”
This event will be presented via Zoom, and registration is required. By clicking on this link or opening the attached flyer, you can register for the presentation. Please feel free to share this widely, but be sure to include the attachment to this email, which has the registration link. We look forward to seeing you then!
Dr. Karen Donfried is president of the German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF), a non-profit organization dedicated to strengthening transatlantic cooperation through policy analysis, fellowships for next generation leaders, and support for civil society.
Before assuming her current role in April 2014, Donfried was the special assistant to the president and senior director for European affairs on the National Security Council at the White House. In that capacity, she was the president’s principal advisor on Europe and led the interagency process on the development and implementation of the president’s European policies. Prior to the White House, Donfried served as the national intelligence officer (NIO) for Europe on the National Intelligence Council, the intelligence community’s center for strategic thinking. As NIO, she directed and drafted strategic analysis to advance senior policymakers’ understanding of Europe.
Donfried has a PhD and MALD from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University and a Magister from the University of Munich, Germany. She holds a bachelor’s in government and German from Wesleyan University.
Global Ambassadors is an academic enhancement program offering mentoring, extracurricular and international experiential learning designed for students interested in careers in international service organizations, including the Foreign Service. This program will create meaningful interaction between the students and distinguished professionals in such organizations who are working on global questions and challenges.
The program will be directed by Dr. Max Kovalov, the Bennett Director of the Mroz Global Leadership Institute. He will meet regularly with the students and create appropriate learning opportunities, such as presenting materials appropriate for an introduction to the career interest, setting up and participating in advising and discussion sessions, arranging interactions with other eminent professionals, and assisting the student ambassadors in executing projects on a global challenge.
If you’d like to learn more about the program and apply click here https://mrozinstitute.cofc.edu/programs/global-ambassadors/
Did you miss out on the Mroz Institute LCWA World Affairs Colloquium on February 11th?
Don’t worry you can watch it below!
General Ben Hodges: “Europe, NATO, and the Biden Administration: What Lies Ahead?”
We invite you to join the School of Languages, Cultures, and World Affairs Thursday, February 11 at 7:00pm for the presentation, “Europe, NATO, and the Biden Administration: What Lies Ahead?” by General Hodges.
Click the link to join the Microsoft Teams Live Event, https://bit.ly/2O9NS2h
Lieutenant General (Retired) Ben Hodges holds the Pershing Chair in Strategic Studies at the Center for European Policy Analysis. He joined CEPA in February 2018.
After his first assignment as an Infantry Lieutenant in Garlstedt, Germany, he commanded Infantry units at the Company, Battalion, and Brigade levels in the 101st Airborne Division, including Command of the First Brigade Combat Team “Bastogne” of the 101st Airborne Division in Operation IRAQI FREEDOM (2003-2004). His other operational assignments include Chief of Operations for Multi-National Corps-Iraq in Operation IRAQI FREEDOM (2005-2006) and Director of Operations, Regional Command South in Kandahar, Afghanistan (2009-2010).
General Hodges has also served in a variety of Joint and Army Staff positions to include Tactics Instructor; Chief of Plans, 2nd Infantry Division in Korea; Aide-de-Camp to the Supreme Allied Commander Europe; Chief of Staff, XVIII Airborne Corps; Director of the Pakistan Afghanistan Coordination Cell on the Joint Staff; Chief of Legislative Liaison for the United States Army; and Commander, NATO Allied Land Command (İzmir, Turkey). His last military assignment was as Commanding General, United States Army Europe (Wiesbaden, Germany) from 2014 to 2017. He retired from the U.S. Army in January 2018.
This event will be recorded and available following the presentation on our website Mroz Institute LCWA World Affairs Colloquium.