TODAY starts the John Edwin Mroz Global Leadership Institute’s Inaugural Convening! Check out all the details on the Mroz Global Leadership Institute website.
Monday, March 21st
“EWI Legacy Renewed: John Edwin Mroz Global Leadership Institute and the Future” is the first event of the Mroz Inaugural Convening.
Tim Johnson, dean School of Languages, Cultures, and World Affairs (LCWA), and Max Kovalov, Bennett Director of the Mroz Global Leadership Institute, will be discussing the John Edwin Mroz Global Leadership Institute and its future.
Regenerative Leadership: How Leadership Must Change for a Sustainable Future
Breakout Sessions featuring guest speakers, College faculty and participants of student programs: Bonner Leaders, Global Ambassadors, International Scholars, Perlmutter Fellows, Schottland Scholars, Martin Scholars and Market Process Scholars.
Breakout 1: International Energy Perspective: A Regional Insight into the Middle East Randa Fahmy Jewish Studies Center, Room 233
Breakout 2: The Business of Non-Profit Stephen Heintz and Jonathan Fanton Jewish Studies Center, Room 237
Breakout 3: Mentoring Leaders Marshall Goldsmith and David Allen Jewish Studies Center, Room 333
Roundtable: Leadership through Difference and Change

Award Presentation

Tuesday, March 22nd
EWI History Project: Of Archives, Memory and Oral Histories

Democracy as Strategy in an Age of Authoritarian Resurgence

Breakout Sessions featuring guest speakers, College faculty and participants of student programs: Bonner Leaders, Global Ambassadors, International Scholars, Perlmutter Fellows, Schottland Scholars, Martin Scholars and Market Process Scholars
Breakout 1: COVID, Climate Change and Conflict: Who’s in Charge? Brian Finlay and Bruce McConnell Jewish Studies Center, Room 237
Breakout 2: Migration and the State: Securitization, Citizenship and Vulnerability Sarah Koellner, Amy Malek and Briana McGinnis Jewish Studies Center, Room 337

Ukraine and Russia: What’s Driving the Conflict?
Lecture by Damon Wilson, Max Kovalov and Frank Emerson in the Rita Hollings Science Center, Auditorium Room 101.

Around the World with Mroz Institute Affiliates
Lecture by David Firestein, Brian Finlay, Anneleen Roggeman and Bruce McConnell (host) in the Rita Hollings Science Center, Auditorium Room 101
Keynote Address: Bringing East and West Together: The Legacy of John Edwin Mroz